How to install your homepage on Alachua Freenet

After you have created your homepage log onto Alachua Freenet

At any menu prompt, except in email, type "infosup" without the parenthesis

Select menu item 5, create a homepage. This will create the needed directory and set the Unix permissions to open for you.

Type either "homefiles" or "fileshell" at any menu prompt

Change directories to the public_html subdirectory created by the make a homepage script

Alternatively you can, if you log on via PPP or SLIP, use an FTP client to upload the files.

Using 'upload', copy all the files needed by your home page to the public_html subdirectory. Your homepage should be named: index.html

If your AFN account is named afn12345 for example, your home page's address will be The squiggle: ~ is called a tilde and is a vital part of your pages address. The above address is correct if you used index.html as the name of your page. If you used daisy.html instead ( for example) then the address would be:

Note that public_html does not and will never appear as part of the address. This is why you must always install your webpages under the public_html subdirectory since the system will always look for the files there.

All graphic files, text files and any other support files for you page should be uploaded to the same directory as the page that calls them. While it is possible to use files, such as graphic files, from a remote site directly in your page this is bad style. This practice will make your page very slow and use scarce system resources on both the AFN system and the remote system.

Important hint: make the size of any graphics or sound files as small as possible since these will determine how fast your page is. GIF file format should be used for graphics that are of a line drawing or cartoon like character, JPG file format should be used for realistic photographic type images. If your page is too slow people will just abort it before waiting a long time for it to load.

Most common problem: if you didn't use the 'create a homepage' script ( see item 3 above ) then you may have Unix permission problems. Unix permissions are a device used by Unix system designers to befuddle and confuse the masses and to make certain that Unix shall forever remain a niche operating system. The symptom of permission problems is that you can see your page but no one else can. Other users will get a 'permission denied' error message when they try access your page. You will have to use the fileshell to set the permissions of the public_html subdirectory and all the files in it to 'open'

If all has gone well you page is now installed and working. No action needs to be taken by the system adminstrators, your page is instantly available to the web the moment you copy all the files to the public_html subdirectory.

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